This was worm's idea. i'm a celeb, so it works....
Q - "Wich do you prefer: Watermelon Jolly Ranchers in Zima, or running a highly successful blog like"
A - The life of a highly successful blog executive is so lucritive that it doesn't compare to anything. I prefer salty drinks anyway. Beef jerky in vinegar with a shot of Absolut.
Q - "When you start getting stupid rich off advertising and porno reviews, are you going to buy your dream bike? Describe it for me will ya?"
A - Since this will undoubtedly happen, I will use my earnings to build a 70's style chopper. No specifics but something like this:
Q - "Would you care to indulge us on your favorite concert moment from your Harakiri days."
A - Well some of my favorite moments were eating flaming hot cheetos for the first time in boston and totally killing it for 2 people in New Jersey somewhere. Actually our cd release shows were the best. New England HC/metalfest was fun too. Pissing of the Hellfest people with Kalibas was fun too... I could go on and on. Matt's curly and waxed moustache back in 2000 before it was trendy like it is now was some pretty groundbreaking shit. pic of kent from Harakiri's sweaty ass in studio:
Q - "You once ALMOST ate a tornado from a Speedway that, "Just isn't yet ready bro." How do you think this affected your guitar playing?"
A - Man, that tornado probably would've made me way better. I should've fought that dude.
Q - "Johnny Cash once got his belly sliced open by an Ostrich, what would you tell him about the upcoming Bulletwolf album?"
A - That it the greatest rock record in all of history to be recorded by a band from Indianapolis with Don E. Curtis as the drummer. Also it heals belly wounds with its majestic riffs. Seriously.
Q - "WOAH, what the hell was that?!?!"
A - The Haley's Comet Memorial Matchbox car i once had. RIP.
Q - "Did you have any GOBOTS (those generic Transformers) as a kid."
A - hell yeah. I'm from the westside. A lot of times we didn't have Transformers money. I've even had transformable toys that were more generic than GOBOTS. Probably got them from Big Lots.
q - "...well, isn't it?"
a - it sure the hell is.