Sunday, November 14, 2010

7.5 questions with Iron Bob Fouts

Our first in a series of regular features in which we ask super famous celebrities super serious questions and a half. The inaugural features has the world famous Bob Fouts answering 7 and 1/2 inquiries via the hard hitting investigative interviewer that is Worm.
7 & 1/2 questions with...Iron Bob Fouts: 

Q - How you doing brother?  "What would you listen to while drinking forties with E.T.?
A - I would say W.A.S.P "self titled," to get the party started, then some og Cube or Too Short to keep that shit straight G and then of course we would hit up some tacos.

Q - How are things going with Basement Rage Studio?
A - Good man.   Finished the Goliathon recording a wile back, actually just got some copy's of the cd from the dudes this week; looks and sounds pretty damn good.  I think.right now im finishing up Steel Aggressor, which is a old school melodic thrash metal project.  I played all the drums on it as well.  It should be out first of next year on a label called Stormspell out of Cali.  After that's wrapped up, I"ll be taking a break til Jan 2011.

Q - Got any Christ Beheaded, or your new project, Chrome Waves info/updates you wanna hip us to?
A - yea!  Chrome Wave is a new project I'm doing with my good friend Jeff Wilson (ex Nachtmystium).  We have a little over an EP's worth of stuff recorded/being recorded as we speak and it should see a release my February/March of 2011.  At this point its just a studio project but we might get the itch to do some gigs/touring at some point next year.Christ Beheaded has plans to write this winter and hopefully record a full length next year as well.  We write pretty quick when we get together but that's the big issue, we never get together, haha.  Everyone is doing a ton of stuff so its hard sometimes.  I'm pretty sure we are playing a local show in January.

Q - I think you once told me that, "living in the past is dangerous," Do you think that Marty McFly would listen to this advice or be all like, "Fuck you man, i gotta get to the Fish Under the Sea Dance"?
A - Marty would not listen to that shit from me or anyone else.  His "future" was at stake, son!

Q - Phil Lynott vs. Brice Dickinson in a game of Yahtzee. Who wins and why?
A - Bruce would take that.  As much as I love'em both, I think Phil would be nodding off around his second roll.  He liked to party like that, ya know, haha.

Q - What do you think is a "typical fat-chick" name?
A - Tabatha or Jennifer.  Lots of swollen hoes rock those two but im a fat dude, so i can't really clown.

Q - Same here, I've been packing on the winter weight.  Any new music hitting your ears lately? I know you got the used vinyl buzz lately, any sweet finds?
A - My last vinyl haul was all old 80's metal records, but new stuff, the new Terror record is like the perfect hardcore record.  I love it and that band.  Prolly the only band that sill makes me wanna jump on peoples heads at a live show.  Just heard some of the new Deathspell Omega that comes out this month.  Those french fucks are so twisted.  The most insane black/death you are prolly ever hear in your life.  Also this band from sweden called Ghost.  Great retro occult hard rock/metal, very early 70"s inspired.great stuff.

q - hottie cooleys?
a - "I might have invented them but either KJ or Chis gave them their moniker.  An american classic snack, for sure!"

thank you Mr. Fouts for your time. you are a stand up dude, a totally awesome drummer and you rule at life.

check out his studio at -



  1. I don't think I have ever met anyone, fat or not, named Tabatha.

  2. there is a "slight" possibility that he meant, 'Tabitha.'
